from The Sound of Music

Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with A-B-C
When you sing you begin with do-re-mi
Do-re-mi, Do-re-mi?
The first three notes just happen to be
Do-re-mi! Do-re-mi!

.. A deer, a female deer : Doe !
.. A drop of golden sun : Ray !
.. A name I call myself : Me !
.. A long, long way to run : Far !
Sew! a needle pulling thread
La! a note to follow Sew
Tea!, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to..

Do, a deer, a female deer,
Ra, a drop of golden sun,
Mi, a name I call myself,
Fa, a long, long way to run,
So, a needle pulling thread,
La, a note to follow Sew,
Ti, a drink with jam and bread,
That will bring us back to Do !

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do !
