We Three Kings of Orient Are

Tutti: We three Kings of O-ri-ent are; bear-ing gifts we tra-verse a-far. Field and foun-tain, moor and moun-tain fol-low-ing yon-der star. O,_ star of wan-der, star of night, star with roy-al beau-ty bright. West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing guide us to the per-fect light. Melchior: Born a king on Beth-le-hem's plain. Gold I bring to crown Him a-gain. King for-ev-er, ceas-ing nev-er. O-ver all to reign. O,_ star of wan-der, star of night, star with roy-al beau-ty bright. West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing guide us to the per-fect light. Casper: Frank-in-cense to of-fer have I; in-cense owns a De-i-ty high. Pray'r and prais-ing, all men rais-ing, Wor-ship Him God most high. O,_ star of wan-der, star of night, star with roy-al beau-ty bright. West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing guide us to the per-fect light. Balthazar: Myrrh is mine, it's bit-ter per-fume, breathes a life of gath-er-ing gloom. Sor-rowing, sigh-ing, bleed-ing, dy-ing, seal'd in the stone-cold tomb. O,_ star of wan-der, star of night, star with roy-al beau-ty bright. West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing guide us to the per-fect light. Tutti: Glo-rious now be-hold Him a-rise, King and God and Sac-ri-fice, Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia. Earth__ to heav'n re-plies. O,_ star of wan-der, star of night, star with roy-al beau-ty bright. West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing guide us to the per-fect light. ----- end