Penny Lane

Pen-ny Lane: there is a bar-ber show-ing pho-to-graphs of ev-'ry head he's had the plea-sure to know._ And all the peo-ple that_ come and go stop and say hel-lo. Pen-ny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes._ Wet be-neath the blue sub-urb-an skies. I sit and mean-while: On the cor-ner is a bank-er with a mo-tor car. The lit-tle chil-dren laugh at him be-hind his back._ And the bank-er nev-er wears a "mac" in the pour-ing rain. Pen-ny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes._ Wet be-neath the blue sub-urb-an skies. I sit and mean-while: Back in Pen-ny Lane: there is a fire-man with an hour_ glass. And in his pock-et is a por-trait of the queen._ He likes to keep his fire_ en-gine clean, it's a clean ma-chine. Pen-ny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes._ Wet be-neath the blue sub-urb-an skies. I sit and mean-while: Back in Pen-ny Lane: the bar-ber shaves an-oth-er cus-tom-er. We see the bank-er sit-ting, wait-ing for a trend._ And then the fire-man_ rush-es in from the pour-ing rain. Pen-ny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes._ Wet be-neath the blue sub-urb-an skies. I sit and mean-while back: < Repeat and fade: > Pen-ny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes._ Wet be-neath the blue sub-ur-ban skies._ ----- end