Another Day Of Sun

I think a-bout_ that day_ I left him at a Grey-hound sta-tion west of San-ta Fe._ We_ were sev-en-teen,_ but he was sweet and it_ was true. Still, I knew what I had to_ do,_ cause I_ just knew. Sum-mer_ Sun-day nights_ we'd sink in-to our seats_ right as they dimmed out all the lights._ A tech-ni-col-or world_ made out of mu-sic and ma-chine,_ it called me to be on_ that_ screen_ and live in-side_ each scene. With-out a nick-el to my name, hopped a bus; here I came. Could be brave, or just in-sane. We'll have to see. 'Cause may-be in that sleep-y town_ he'll sit one day: the lights are down,_ he'll see my face and think of how_ he used_ to_ know_ me._ Climb_ these_ hills,_ I'm reach-ing for the heights and chas-ing all the lights that shine._ And when they let you down_ (The lights that shine._) you get up off the ground._ (It's another day of...) The morn-in' rolls a-round,_ (It's another day of...) and it's an-oth-er day_ of sun.__ I hear 'em ev-'ry day, the rhy-thms in the can-yons that-'ll nev-er fade away;_ the bal-lads in the bar-rooms left by those who came_ be-fore. They say you've got-ta want it_ more,_ so I bang on ev-'ry door. And e-ven when the an-swer's no,_ or when my mon-ey's run-ning low,_ a dust-y mic and ne-on glow are all I need. And some-day as I sing my song_ a small town kid-'ll come a-long._ That-'ll be the thing to push_ him on_ and_ go,_ go_ Climb_ these_ hills,_ I'm reach-ing for the heights and chas-ing all the lights that shine._ And when they let you down_ (The lights that shine._) you get up off the ground._ (It's another day of...) The morn-in' rolls a-round,_ (It's another day of...) and it's an-oth-er day_ of sun.__ ( Instrumental ) And when_ they_ let_ you_ down,_ the morn_ -in'_ rolls_ a_-round,_ it's anoth-er day of sun._ It's anoth-er day of sun._ It's anoth-er day of sun._ It's anoth-er day of sun._ Just anoth-er day of sun._ It's anoth-er day of sun._ So the day is just be-gun._ It's anoth-er day of sun._ ( Instrumental ) It's anoth-er day of sun._ ----- end